The DNA of an AD

Run Your Youth Tourney with Bound ... FOR FREE

written by Bound


Run Your Youth Tourney with Bound ... FOR FREE

The team at Bound – the same group that developed the groundbreaking Tourney Machine app – has a new tournament product. With our robust new Bound Tournaments offering, you can run registration, scheduling, credit card/online gate collection and post your game results … FOR FREE.

Run Your Youth Tourney with Bound ... FOR FREE

The team at Bound – the same group that developed the groundbreaking Tourney Machine app – has a new tournament product. With our robust new Bound Tournaments offering, you can run registration, scheduling, credit card/online gate collection and post your game results … FOR FREE.

We have taken our years of knowledge and poured it into the new system that takes all the best of Tourney Machine and makes it even smarter:

  • You'll have access to score information from any other events that use Bound Tournaments, helping you optimize matchups in your tournament,  and ensuring you can avoid matching up teams that have played a number of times and/or are at different skill levels.
  • Your tournament registration will be part of a listing in Bound and be part of the "Bound Tournament Series" marketing campaign to promote your tournaments.
  • You'll have access to use our online and onsite credit card readers so you can greatly reduce the cash you manage onsite.
  • Integration between Bound Tournaments and the Bound High School system is seamless, making it easy to create a profile that links to your high school.
    Getting started is simple. Just reply to this email or email me direct at Our legendary support team will help you get up and going (at no cost!) with registration, train you on the basics of the system, and start marketing your tournament all over your region.

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